My Mission:
You are inspired. You are creative and you have the drive to make the world a better place. But no matter how hard you work, unless your voice is heard your ideas will die a quiet death. Find your voice. The world needs you right now.
Few things are more rewarding and enjoyable than working shoulder-to-shoulder with others on a great team. If you want to travel quickly, go alone. But if you want to go far, then build a team. Find your voice and use it to bring together and inspire an incredible team.
To the YOUNG Person:
Even if you are just starting out, discovering your voice at the age of 18 or 20 will change the course of your entire life. Don't wake up at 50 and realize you've squandered half your life. It's time for you to take the floor and say something important. Find your voice.
To the ELDER:
Don't go to your grave with your music still inside you. S hare your knowledge and experience. We need to hear the wise voices of our grandmothers and grandfathers now more than ever. Find your voice.
To the WOMEN:
You are living in a man's world. How many times have you been told that your voice is insignificant? This world is waking up to the fact that more women need to take on leadership roles. Rather than a bad imitation of men stand up and speak from the intuitive perspective of the powerful feminine. Find your voice.
My mother was a teacher. She lived to teach children. How about you? Today we need strong role models of authority and inspiration. We need teachers who use their voices to empower each student to see their unique contribution. Find your voice.
You're a natural storyteller, but what really holds you back? YouTube and TED talks have altered the playing field. Audiences today expect speakers to be genuine and wholehearted, to connect deeply, to elicit powerful emotions, and to inspire conviction. Find your voice and take your place on life's grand stage.
You are a Leader.
You have a unique voice.
Your life is a Hero’s Journey. So own it.
It is time for you to speak up and to speak out.
You are not alone.
Someone out there is waiting to hear your voice.
Are you ready to speak? Your voice matters.
Some of Our Clients*

* Voiceable products and services are provided by Quickminds AS (Oslo)